Welcome to Blue Percent Explore

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Comfort / Hygiene Kits / Outdoor Gear

About Blue



Everyone deserves top-notch personal care products; we're dedicated to delivering just that. Not only do we specialize in providing premium selections for hotels, B&Bs, outdoor enthusiasts, first responders, the military, and more, but our products also offer a sense of comfort and self-care. 

By purchasing more, you contribute to our ability to give more.


At Blue, we're proud to introduce our donation program, which focuses on supporting two vital causes: assisting the unhoused population and aiding women's shelters. Regardless of their backgrounds, these individuals have often lost touch with the present moment. As part of our social mission, we strive to instill hope and facilitate renewal on their paths to healing and independence.  

Service to Others

You have options for supporting your selected charity through different avenues. You can either purchase items and personally deliver them, or you can specify the nonprofit or charity as the shipping recipient, and we'll send the items directly to them on your behalf, whether in your name or anonymously. If you require any particular instructions, kindly inform us using the "Add order note" section under the Order Summary on the Your Cart page. Or contact us.